After a somewhat extended absence (understatement of the century), I am so excited to be back at my writing desk.

So where have you been?

It all started when I hit a little rough patch with my health and my personal life that I had to tend to, but I hope you understand if I’m not sharing quite yet.

Thanks to this “rough patch” I became more confident and resilient and went back to school to get my Master’s in Business Administration with a Concentration in Project Management. As you can imagine, after working 10 hour shifts and writing research papers every night, there wasn’t much creativity left to squeeze out of my brain. However, the stuff I’ve learned helps me tremendously in my day job and I’m so excited to use those skills for my moonlighting activities as a novelist.

Are you writing again?

Almost. I have 8 weeks left before I graduate, but I’m using this time to get my website and social media accounts up to speed again. I’m also rereading my manuscript for Christmas Angel, so that I can pick up writing where I left off… You don’t know how much I miss writing, my fans, and my characters!

Why do you have a new website?

My domain name for my website expired about a year ago and I wasn’t able to renew my original web address, so I had to get a new one. Then I realized that my blog didn’t back up correctly, and I lost all my content, except for the early posts that I had on my wordpress account. Yikes! That’s okay, though. I plan to bring you much better content with this site.

What about your social media?

Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads are still the same.

  • I prefer Facebook to hang out with my fans and chit-chat. Come on by and say hello! I’d love to meet you!
  • Goodreads is like Facebook for book lovers. You can follow or friend me over there, and you can see what I’m reading. I also get a lot of recommendations from friends, so I’ll never run out of books I want to read.
  • Over at Twitter, I follow a bunch of fellow authors and this is where I share books that look fun to read, especially if they are also on sale.

What’s coming up?

Lot’s of exciting stuff, actually. Right now I’m working on:

  • Grumpy Poltergeist & The Heidelberg Ghost will be on sale at Amazon just in time for Halloween. Grumpy’s countdown deal runs 8-11 Sep for $.99 and 12-15 Sep $1.99. Heidelberg Ghost runs from 1-3 Oct for $.99 and 4-7 Oct for $1.99.
  • VIPs (newsletter subscribers) will get to vote on character names and choose covers for upcoming books.
  • A closed Facebook group for a limited number of awesome fans that want to beta read / test read my manuscripts before they go to the editor.

More on all that shortly.

That’s all I have for you tonight. Feel free to come and hang out with me at Facebook or Goodreads.